Business Vehicle Tracking has been working with likeminded companies across UK and Europe to help deliver custom solutions for individual requirements. We have made significant strides in marking ourselves out as a company built on firm financials and values. We service our product to heavy commercial users and distribution companies as well as smaller sole traders and private vehicle firms.

Established in 1998, we have the experience to cater for your requirements. We have tried to make the vehicle tracking market as transparent as possible, ensuring you, the user, do not get confused with the array of options on the tracking market.

Recognised nationwide as the comprehensive vehicle tracking solution provider; Business Vehicle Tracking (BVT) puts you in full control of your fleet. The system can be used to track, trace, evaluate and create greater efficiencies within your fleet. BVT is built on a solid reputation and total service commitment, allowing for transparent pricing and clear service benefits. We pride our self on providing the best ‘value for money’ proposition in the industry. Our team are ready to take your call and demonstrate how your business can benefit from our solution.

The vehicle tracking industry has seen significant development, particularly in recent years, and we have kept up to date with all technological advances and reporting, putting you at the forefront of fleet tracking, but without the habitual elevated costs of pioneering equipment.

Our tracking product; Fonix VT, offers you a complete web based monitoring solution for maximising fleet efficiency and productivity. By utilising mobile phone GPRS networks and satellite GPS technology, Fonix VT presents fleet managers with the convenience of a simple and effective 24/7 vehicle tracking, asset management and security package.